Ultra breeze bee suit 3 layer bee suit

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Ultra breeze bee suit 3 layer bee suit

  • 3-layer design
  • Breathable fabric
  • lightweight form inserted
  • Interlock pattern
  • Removable fencing veil
  • Adjustable cuffs openings
  • Elasticated waistband
  • Elastic thumb loops to keep everything comfortably in place.
  • 4 front pockets and 2 leg hive tool pockets.
  • Heavy-duty brass zippers

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Ultra breeze bee suit 3 layer bee suit

Ultra breeze bee suit uses 3 layers of breathable fabric with a lightweight form inserted by the interlocking pattern which provides 6 mm of the gap in between bee sting and your skin for your protection. The layers of the breathable fabric make it a fully cool breeze bee suit by letting your body heat escape and let the air pass through to keep you cool and not let you sweat during the warm season. This bee suit comes with a removable fencing veil which has quite room for good visibility and protection by letting bees away from your face. we design it for the comfort of the beekeepers so one of the main problems is to wear a bee suit, for that we provide leg zips on both sides which allow you to wear it on or off without removing your boots and give access to the pockets of the clothes underneath. we added some extra protective features like elastic wrists and the opening of it is adjustable along with elastic ankles. ultra breeze bee suit comes with brass zippers all over, which have more durability than any other plastic zipper. This 3 layered breeze bee suit has gone through all quality standards for personal and professional protective equipment. Our quality and commitment can’t be beaten.

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